About Atomic Shrimp
Who Are You?
My Name is Mike and I live in the south of England - about halfway between Southampton and Portsmouth. I'm married with two fine kids. My whole family is astonishingly patient with me.
What Is This Site About?
This website is really just about the things I do in my spare time. My interests include wild food, experimental cooking, assorted crafts, multimedia work and the deliberate, but benign and mild-mannered pursuit of the absurd.
Founded a short time after my 40th birthday, the site has been described by some as documentary of my mid-life crisis. Maybe that's not entirely untrue - looking back, it does mark a bit of a turning point, when I stopped just formulating lists of things I might find interesting to do, and started doing them.
My lists of future projects don't ever seem to get any shorter and most of the items on them are quite trivial, but it means I seldom experience boredom.
Why Is It Called 'Atomic Shrimp'?
Initially, I chose the name for an imaginary film production company - Atomic Shrimp Productions - for no other reason than I thought it would be nice to use two words that don't really belong together. When I saw that the corresponding web domain names were available, I snapped them up and Atomic Shrimp became reality.
Why Do I Keep Seeing That Checkered Tablecloth?
It just happens to be the tablecloth on the dining table here at Atomic Shrimp HQ, but I do like it.
It seems to have found its way into quite a lot of the photos on the site, just because the table is as good a place as any to photograph things.
But Wait!
In October 2016, the old checkered tablecloth had to be put out to pasture - and it was replaced by this one - similar colours, but a brand new pattern.
Why Are There Adverts?
Atomic Shrimp Advertising Policy
This site is partly supported by the modest revenue I get from selling ad space
Separation Of Ads And Content
It is my intent to keep advertisements completely distinct from content - they should never appear above, in front of, or mixed in with Atomic Shrimp's own site content* and the ads on this site should never launch popup windows without being clicked.
(*One exception - you might see mixed content in the form of overlay or trailer ads in video content for some articles - unfortunately I just don't have absolute control over this.)
What I Will Not Do (Don't Even Bother Asking)
- I will not mix or conceal ad links within article content. I won't disguise ad links as personal endorsements or recommendations. (No price will make me change my mind on this).
- I don't accept ads for target sites I consider incompatible with the content and ethos of this site. That includes online gambling/casino sites.
- I will not participate in link exchanges for purely SEO-oriented schemes.
- In general, I'll try to avoid doing anything that might represent a violation of Google's Webmaster Guidelines
Your Satisfaction
Overall, I want this to be a site that visitors find useful, interesting and fun, maybe enough to make them want to come back again in future.
Contacting Me
If you have any suggestions for articles on this site, or if you want to comment on something you've seen here, I'd be delighted to hear from you.
You can do this by following the Contact link in the menu at the right,.
Published on Friday, January 2, 2015 by Mike