The wooden tops of my trusty old folding workbench were starting to look really beaten and worn - time to make them over with some lovely new hardwood.
After I finished doing that, I also had a great idea for repurposing the old scarred and worn bench tops into something unique and new.
January 2014 - Recent storms have damaged parts of my garden fence - in my search for economical ways to rebuild it, I stumbled across The Southampton Wood Recycling project.
Many of my past projects have thumbed their noses at convention or have been absurd, foolhardy or otherwise non-conformist, but this one extends the boundaries further than ever.
I'm going to try to make a boat by recycling plastic bottles.
Spurred on by the resounding success of my project to mould a replacement kitchen knife handle from recycled HDPE, I thought it might be worth a little experimentation, to try to get a measure of the potential for small-scale, amateur remoulding of this material.
Although modest in the scale of its end result, in concept, this may well be my most ambitious recycling project yet. This is an attempt to mould a new plastic handle for my favourite kitchen knife, using recycled plastics, without any of the proper injection moulding equipment.