Tag - Craft

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Making A Feather Quill Pen

quillpen1.JPGA walk alongside the Basingstoke Canal yielded some large swan feathers, in good condition.

I decided to try to make a quill pen.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

How To Make Braided Friendship Bracelets Using A Braiding Disc

braidthumb.jpgUsing a braiding disc made out of a piece of stiff card, and a few scraps of spare wool, learn how to make braided cord for friendship bracelets and other items.

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Spin Art Machine

spinart14.jpgIn case you slept right through the 1970s (or weren't born then, perhaps), this is a machine that spins a piece of card, paper or canvas really fast, causing any paint applied to it (before spinning it, or while it is spinning) to splatter off in interesting and striking radial patterns. In this project, we're going to try to make one out of scavenged and upcycled parts.

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